Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Guest Post @ E, Myself, and I: Surviving First-Trimester Pregnancy in the Classroom

Lots of news today-- let's start with the fact that I have a guest post up on E, Myself, and I today, as part of her new Working Moms series: "Surviving First Trimester Pregnancy in the Classroom."  I'm no expert, but go take a look!  It's what worked for me . . . 

That leads me to the real, super-exciting news-- I have a Little One on the way!  Baby Patrick is expected to arrive somewhere around June 13.  I am all kinds of thrilled and let me just tell you that this is a long-awaited and much-anticipated Little Bean.  

But, on top of all that excitement, I'm also sick.  And tired.  And a bit overwhelmed with all there is to do.  Don't pretend y'all haven't noticed me slacking off on the blog front.  So, while it pains me to say it, I'm going to take a break from M*Print.  I don't know when I'll return, but right now my focus is pretty simple: baby, family, sleep, food.  And of course, my passion for my students is right behind all of that.  It doesn't leave much room for extras, and sadly, this blog is an extra.  I'll be back someday-- maybe when Little One becomes a little less Little.  I'll be reading and keeping up with my new-found blog friends in the meantime.  Until then, all my love!  

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